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Lock Picking Books
LockPickShop's selection of lock picking books includes titles written by the experts to serve both beginner/hobbyist lock pickers as well as professional lock pickers. Basic and beginner's lock picking guides, like "Easy Pickings" are designed to help novice pickers and locksmiths-in-training lay the foundation for their studies. More advanced lock picking books, like the best-selling "Visual Guide to Lock Picking" and "The Complete Guide to Lock Picking" are more appropriate for intermediate and advanced students.
We recommend the "Pro-Lok E-Z Lock Picking Manual" for students, apprentices and security professionals. This is a thorough, 100-page lock picking manual that features full-color, cut-away illustrations. Each lock pick book is designed to cover lock picking techniques and entry methods for specific locks using traditional locksmith's tools or common household items, so be sure to read each book's description to see if it's right for your unique needs.